Be it in first person shooters, third person action games, or massively multiplayer online role-playing games, there's no denying that no gun can feel half as cool as yielding a massive sword that slices, impales and dismembers. With that in mind, we've listed 10 of the most awesome swords in gaming. Here they are:Blood Reaver
Game: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Yielded by: Raziel
The ancient sword that was fused with the fallen vampire Raziel, made the duo the 'Soul Reaver' and the most powerful force in the realm of Nosgoth. With this bad-ass blade by his side, Raziel was able to shift between the spectral and physical realm, allowing him to feast on and collect the souls of his fallen enemy.
Energy Sword
Game: Halo
Yielded by: The melee-addict fragger
This one might not have too much lore or any history behind it, but it undoubtedly made for the most satisfying kills in Halo. One hit from this baby could kill a shielded Spartan or a Covenant Elite, or put a smile on your face when you close in on an enemy in multiplayer, and introduce him to the double-edged sharp end of this instrument of melee doom.
Red Queen
Game: Devil May Cry 4
Yielded by: Nero
The real star of DMC 4, the Red Queen was a highly customized, industrial looking sword with a complex fuel injection system that was too complex for any but Nero to yield. This bladed-delight could be revved up thrice to unleash carnage of cosmic proportion upon the enemy!
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Game: World of Wacraft
Yielded by: The Hardcore Raider with no life
The first legendary sword to enter the World of Warcraft, back in the day Thunderfury used to be the most sort after sword for its immense power and insanely good looks. It was one of the hardest swords to get though, since you'd have to raid 'Molten Core' - one of World of Warcraft's best dungeons - week after week in order to even stand a chance at getting this baby.
Twin Blades of Azzinoth
Game: World of Wacraft: Burning Crusade
Yielded by: Illidan Stormrage
These are perhaps the most gorgeous looking blades ever designed. Yielded by the demon Illidan, these blades have seen more bloodshed than any other. For those who were hardcore enough to enter the realm of the Black Citadel and clear it, these blades would lie in waiting as reward.Frostmourne
Game: Warcraft Universe
Yielded by: Death Knight Arthas
The most popular and revered weapon in gaming - Frostmourne was the Lich King's weapon that would drain the soul of both - its victims and its yielder. Through this sword King Arthas was controlled by, and eventually merged with the Lich King to become the most powerful character in gaming.
Dragon Tooth
Game: Deus Ex
Yielded by: Nanotechnology Whores
Developed by the controversial VersaLife corporation in Deus Ex, Dragon Tooth was the game's most awesome secrets. The nanotechnology-forged sword was build to be unbreakable and to be sharper than the sharpest katanas in existence. The sword wasn't much to look at, but was the most powerful weapon in the game! One shot kills, anyone?
Heavenly Sword
Game: Heavenly Sword
Yielded by: Nariko
This heavenly blade was said to be so powerful that it would drain the life of any who yield it. In Heavenly Sword, the protagonist Nariko honed the blade masterfully to dispatch enough badguys to fill up a small country. The blade consisted of two blades that could be detached to switch between power and speed stances.
Dragon Sword
Game: Ninja Gaiden 2
Yielded by: Ryu Hayabusa
The agile blade was Ryu Hayabusa's weapon of choice for its razorsharp edge, incredibly aerodynamic katana-style and maneuverability. The game's upgrade system allowed you to beef this weapon up till it had a gold hilt, making it far more powerful and unlocking some of the most eviscerating combos ever!
The Blade of Olympus
Game: God of War II
Yielded by: Kratos
Forged by Zeus using the Heavens and the Earth during the great titan war, this blade was bestowed with enough power to defeat the entire titan race with effortless ease, or even kill a God! This magical sword was unlocked to those who finished God of War II, allowing you to upgrade it during a second play through and taste the immense power it stored.
These were our favorite swords in gaming. If you think any other sword needs to be on the list, please leave a comment and share your thoughts with us all!
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