Wednesday, July 8, 2009

PSP Exclusives to Look Forward to this Year

We’ve already taken a look at both PS3 and Xbox360 exclusives set to hit consoles this year. Normally we would have hit the PC platform next but since this year is dry as a bone for PC gamers as far as exclusives are concerned we’re jumping straight to Sony’s handheld console and the list goes something like this:

Gran Turismo PSP

Set to launch on the same day as the PSP go, Gran Tursimo for the PSP will feature over 800 cars to choose from along with visuals running at a steady 60 FPS. You’ll also be able to share cars with your friends using the PSP’s ad hoc abilities.

GTA Chinatown Wars

Rockstar wowed DS audiences with a mature GTA game and now PSP owners can look forward to that very same game enhanced by improved visuals and newer missions among other details we don’t know much about yet.

Assassins Creed: Bloodlines

Altair and his love for Parkour will be assaulting the PSP this year in the form of a brand new game, built ground up for the PSP. Details are scarce at this moment but we do know that it will be a full-fledged 3rd person action game and will shed a bit of light between the events of the 1st and the 2nd game.

LittleBigPlanet PSP

Not that I was surprised by this announcement at E3 2009 but it was nice to hear that Sackboy and his cute little friends will be available on the PSP later this year. The handheld version of the game will retain its core mantra – Create, play and share (or is it the other way around?) but offer players newer levels and tools to mess around with.

Soul Calibur Broken Destiny

Not only is this game built from the ground up for the PSP (no port treatment here) but Kratos will be a playable character in the game. If that’s not incentive itself to pick this game up, I don’t know what is.

Duke Nukem Trilogy

As long as I’m breathing I will not give up hope for Duke Nukem Forever but in the meantime I can take solace in the fact that the King will be assaulting the PSP this year in the form of a Trilogy consisting of three games: Critical Mass, Chain Reaction and Proving Grounds. The King left the building... but now he’s back again.

Tekken 6

Since Tekken Dark Resurrection was one of the best fighters to grace the PSP, Tekken 6 automatically scores a comfortable place on our list. Also it won’t be a mere port but will ship with tons of new content exclusive to the PSP.

Army of 2: 40th Day

Similar to Killzone Liberation: Army of Two: The 40th Day will be an isometric third person action game with a strong emphasis on co-op. Expect certain locales, co-op moves and multiplayer modes from the console versions to make an appearance as well.


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